Thursday, October 2, 2014

Picture: Meet the man that brought ebola to U.S

ThMr. Duncan left Liberia on September 19th to travel to the United States.   It is reported that he showed no symptoms while travelling which is supposedly a sign that he was not contagious.On Monday, September 15th, his landlord’s daughter became gravely ill and he helped him carry her to the hospital.   She died the next day (9/16/14).  Soon after, his son became ill and died on Wednesday, September 17th.  It is reported that 2 other neighbors who may have come in contact with the daughter also died and their bodies were collected on Wednesday as well.   Two days later, Mr Duncan boarded a plane for the United States.
Since entering the United States, Mr. Duncan has come in contact with at least 5 children in a home over the weekend.  These children attend four different schools (elementary, middle and high schools).  It is estimated that he came in contact with approximately 12-18 individuals since his arrival.

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