Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cameroon Army arrests Mayor and 300 boko haram members

Cameroonian authorities are reporting that a major and 300 bokoharam members were arrested yesterday. The Cameroon army announced yesterday that they have arrested the Mayor of Fotokol, Ramat Moussa and 300 Boko Haram fighters. The army revealed that huge stocks of Boko Haram weapons were found at the mayor's residence including Chinese made weaponry. Cameroon Concord understands that there is now a combined Cameroon, Nigeria and Chad force currently involved in the fight to eradicate Boko Haram. Our source in Maroua hinted that some of the heavy weapons found at the residence of Mayor Ramat Moussa included machine guns and rockets. Mayor Ramat Moussa who before his arrest was a chartered member of the ruling Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement with access to Cameroon government military intelligence information. The Cameroon secret service also did release from detention Hans De Marie Heungoup a reporter with the International Crisis Group arrested following wrong intelligence from Mayor Ramat Moussa that he was a Boko Haram agent. 
Cameroon Army Arrest Mayor Of Fotokol, Found Huge Stockpile Of Ammunitions At His Residence

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