Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Archaeologists Discovered Place Where Jesus Was Sentenced To Death

Discovered around 15 years ago, the remains of Herod the Great’s Palace have been carefully examined and a place between a gate and uneven stone pavement has been identified as fitting the description of the event in the Gospel of JohnThe exact place where Jesus Christ stood as he was sentenced to death has been a subject of hot debates for years. But now archaeologists in Jerusalem say they may have finally found the sacred site. According to archaeologists, a place between a gate and uneven stone pavement near the remains of Herod the Great’s palace (that was discovered about 15 years ago) perfectly fits the description of the event in the Gospel of John. Scientists were excavating an abandoned prison when they suddenly uncovered parts of foundation walls of the palace and an underground sewage system. This map shows Jerusalem, taken from a 1911 encyclopedia.
After a thorough examination of Herod the Great’s palace the site was suspected to have religious and historical significance. 
This 19th Century illustration shows the trial taking place outdoors Some archaeologists believe that the discovered place is that described in the Gospel of John where the trial of Jesus was taking place and where he was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilat. This 19th Century illustration shows the trial taking place outdoorsDespite some uncertainty and doubts, pilgrims and tourists will be able to visit the Biblical site. This map shows Jerusalem, taken from a 1911 encyclopedia. Eilat Lieber, Director of the Tower of David Museum, that will provide tours to the place, says, “What makes a place holy is the fact that people have gone there for hundreds of years, prayed, cried and even celebrated there, so I don’t think there will be changes to the route anytime soon.” 

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