Friday, February 6, 2015

The heart-breaking moment Queen Rania of Jordan consoles devastated wife of pilot murdered by ISIS (photos)

Pictured above is hear-wrenching photo of Queen Raina of Jordan consoling Anwar Tarawneh, the grief stricken wife of the pilot who was burnt alive by ISIS. The picture was taken during a condolence visit to the family home of the murdered pilot, near the southern town of Karak on Thursday.

Anwar Tarawneh who had only been married to Moaz al-Kasasbeh for six months, tearfully revealed that she learned of her husband's brutal death on Facebook. She told The Independent on Thursday that she was at sit-in protest being held at a university in Amman where students were expressing their support for the captured pilot when she received a tearful call from her mother saying two of her siblings were fighting. Not convinced by her mother's explanation for her tears, she immediately checked Facebook and that was the moment she found out about her husband's death.

"It was only when I opened Facebook on my phone that I saw the post, 'Rest in peace, Muath,'" she said, her voice saddened with emotion.
"He had hoped there would be fog, so he wouldn’t have to fly.
"He had the feeling something would go wrong. "It was strange, he had never said that before."

The 26-year-old pilot, Moaz al-Kasasbeh was captured and taken hostage on December 24, 2014 after his F-16 fighter jet was shot down over Raqqa in Syria by ISIS.

ISIS had demanded he release of female would-be suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi, who was sentenced to death in 2005 in exchange for Kasasbeh. However, Jordanian authorities who had been conducting their own investigation didn't get evidence that the pilot was still alive, it raised suspicions that he was already deadand that ISIS was exploiting his case for propaganda Dailymail reports.
So on Feb 4th, ISIS released a horrifying 22-minute long video showing the pilot being burnt alive while locked in a cage.

Anwar Tarawneh, left on Tuesday, collapsed and was admitted to hospital after she saw a post that read: 'Rest in peace, Muath [Moaz]'

Jordan's King Abdullah II hugs Saif al-Kassasbeh, father of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh, during a visit to the family's home. The King promised a 'harsh' revenge for Kasasbeh's brutal death

King (right) Abdullah II sitting with Moaz al-Kasasbeh's father Saif (left)

The pilot's father, (centre), surrounded by family members and security forces during a mourning ceremony in the city of Karak, Jordan, on Thursday.

ISIS released a horrific 22-minute long video showing the pilot being burnt alive while locked in a cage.

Photo credit:AP/AFP/Getty Images/EPA

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