Friday, December 5, 2014

Husband Scares Wife By Throwing Toddler Off Balcony in Cruel Killing My Own Kid PRANK!

This prankster dad played the cruelest and most expensive joke on his wife by tricking into thinking he threw his toddler son off of the balcony. Youtuber Roman Atwood set up cameras and enlisted the help of his two sons in an elaborate attempt to frighten his unassuming wife and fool her into thinking he'd accidentally killed their toddler son.

The stunt was posted on YouTube on November 30 and already has over 10 million views, see it yourself below...

The video begins with Atwood playing with his son, who is dressed in a Spider-Man costume covering his face, on the top floor of their home.

They are greeted lovingly by the boy’s mother, who is just coming back home. She is then sent downstairs 'to grab them some water' so that they can prepare the prank behind her back.

Atwood enlists the help of his older son who leads his younger brother into the other room them substitutes the toddler for a dummy, which Atwood then tosses over the railing.

His wife runs downstairs and screams in paralyzing fear as she sees the boy falling to the ground below and laying motionless on the ground as though he had died.

She unveils the boy's mask to reveal a dummy under the costume and then proceeds to shoot a disgusted glance at her husband.

'Why would you do that?!' she screams still trembling in shock.

'It's just for fun,' Atwood responds as he shrugs his shoulders.

She then sentences her husband to a lonely night of sleeping on the couch and gives him a little kick in the groin before she storms out of the room.

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